
Turn weeks into minutes,
costs into profits,
and efforts into progress.

Tired of investments in AI/ML projects that don't deliver?
Unsure how to make AI/ML work for your business?

We solve your toughest business challenges with AI/ML-powered solutions that show clear, measurable results.

Beyond the hype, real results
  • Save Time
  • Save Money
  • Save Efforts

APIs to effortlessly build robust AI/ML solutions and increase efficiency? Done in hours

Web App to analyze multi-channel customer reviews and improve Net Promoter Score? Done in a day

Mobile App to automate Accounts Payable and reduce processing time? Done in a week

See a returns on your investment? In few months

Our Impact

See how our versatile technology is helping solve complex business problems across industries and sectors.

Car Dealership Boosts Net Promoter Score (NPS) by 27%

Customer Background: The car dealership operates in multiple locations across the US, serving a diverse customer base with a wide range of automotive needs.

Problem: The dealership faced challenges in understanding and addressing customer feedback, resulting in missed opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Feedback was scattered across various channels, making it difficult to identify trends and specific issues.

Outcome: We analyzed customer feedback across multiple channels to identify trends, gauge customer satisfaction, and drive product improvements. By systematically reviewing over 10,000 feedback entries, we pinpointed issues specific to each department and location.

Solution: Web app for real-time reporting and automated weekly reports in PDF format for executive leadership.

Technology used: Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification, Entity Extraction, Emotion Detection, and Structurify

Healthcare Provider Cuts Invoice Processing Time by 79%

Customer Background: The healthcare provider is a mid-sized organization that manages around 12,000 invoices each month.

Problem: Inefficiencies in accounts payable process, resulting in lengthy processing times and strained supplier relationships.

Outcome: The transformation resulted in an 79% reduction in processing time, and significantly enhanced supplier relationships.

Solution: Mobile app for scanning and upload of invoices at receiving bay, with additional modules for for administration and three-way matching with POs and GRNs.

Technology used: Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Text Classification, Entity Extraction, Text Generation

Indian Ed-Tech Provider Increases Enrollment by 42%

Customer Background: An Indian ed-tech provider focusing on online education, offering a wide range of courses to students across different states in India.

Problem: The provider faced difficulties in reaching a multilingual audience and needed an efficient way to translate and adapt educational content to attract regional students.

Outcome: By levaraging our translation and audio capabilities they efficiently translated and adapted both text and audio educational materials into multiple languages. This resulted in the production of over 5,000 hours of multilingual educational content, significantly increasing enrollment by 42% in multiple regions.

Solution: Web Application that outputs MP3/Wav files for audio content and PDFs for text-based content.

Modules used: Translation, Text-to-Speech, Audio to Audio.

FinTech Startup Enhances Product Launch with Synthetic Data

Customer Background: A FinTech startup focused on innovative financial solutions, aiming to develop and launch new financial products rapidly.

Problem: The startup needed realistic financial datasets for product development and testing without compromising client privacy, posing challenges in data collection and security.

Outcome: By generating realistic yet completely synthetic financial datasets, we created diverse and complex data that mimicked real-world financial scenarios. This approach accelerated product testing cycles and enhanced the robustness of their financial models, leading to a more secure and reliable product launch.

Solution: Secure cloud platform for on-demand data generation and real-time access to synthetic datasets, with automated daily updates for continuous development and testing.

Technology used: Text Generation, Entity Extraction

Talent/Casting Agency Boosts Search Results with Face-Similarity Search

Customer Background: A talent and casting agency that connects actors with casting directors and producers for film, television, and commercial projects.

Problem: The agency faced difficulties in efficiently matching actors based on facial similarity. They relied on actors' profile descriptions, which often lacked consistency and accuracy, making it tough to find look-alike talent.

Outcome: By implementing a face-similarity search using advanced image recognition and AI algorithms, we significantly improved their ability to find actors who look alike. This new method enhanced the accuracy of their searches and streamlined the casting process, leading to faster and more precise matches.

Solution: Web-based application with a user-friendly interface for casting directors to perform face-similarity searches.

Technology used: Image Segementation, Facial Feature Extraction

Lets solve your challenge

Our Technology

We've modularized the most advanced AI/ML technologies - from multi-modal machine learning algorithms to pre-trained, finely-tuned models - and combined them with a lightning-fast development framework. This means we can:

  • Deliver solutions that work, quickly.
  • Handle any challenge, big or small.
  • Unlock the full potential of AI/ML, without the hype.
Learn more about our technology

We identify and eliminate inefficiencies from your business processes, and discover innovative ways to unlock new opportunities for growth and competitive advantage.

Rapid development

Our pre-built, modular AI/ML components allow for lightning-fast development, delivering solutions within hours or days.

Targeted automation

We pinpoint specific areas of inefficiency and build solutions that optimize processes, freeing up your team's time and energy.

Bespoke Solutions

With our modular approach, we build custom solutions that address your specific needs

Continuous Improvement

Our modular architecture guarantees ongoing value through continuous optimization and updates.
